ACF Today – 2006
Through The Culinary Insider e-newsletter, the
federation provides members with regular news alerts and timely
information on products and services offered by the American Culinary
Federation and its partners.
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 27 - December 27, 2006
- Congratulations to the United States Army Culinary Arts Team!
- ACF Train-the-Trainer Workshops Expand Culinary Education
- ACF Northeastern Regional Conference Offers Hands-On Training
- New Courses to Launch on ACF's eCulinary Professional Development
- Registration Deadline Approaching for 2007 Baron H. Galand Knowledge
- ACF Chef & Child Foundation Accepting Applications for Little
Oscar Award
- Academy Fellows - Application Deadline Approaches
- Nominations Open until December 31 for American Academy of Chefs
Elected Positions
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 26 - December 12, 2006
- ACF Culinary Team USA Places Fifth Overall at Culinary World
- ACF Publications Win Three Gold Ribbon Awards
- Attention American Academy of Chefs Members!
- Registration Deadline Approaching for 2007 Baron H. Galand Knowledge
- ACF Chef & Child Foundation Accepting Applications for Little
Oscar Award
- Academy Fellows - Application Deadline Approaches
- Nominations Open until December 31 for American Academy of Chefs
Elected Positions
- CAFE Announces 2007 Educator Workshops and Leadership
- The only risotto you can heat and serve in less than 2 minutes-UNCLE
BEN'S® Classic Risotto
- Free Crisco Professional® Pan Release Sample!
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 25 - November 30, 2006
- ACF Culinary Team USA Brings Home Gold
- Regional Conference & National Convention Host Hotels Offer Big
Savings for Early Reservations
- Judging Competitions Seminar Scheduled for 2007 ACF Regional
- Registration Deadline Approaching for 2007 Baron H. Galand Knowledge
- ACF Chef & Child Foundation Accepting Applications for Little
Oscar Award
- Academy Fellows - Application Deadline Approaches
- Nominations Open until December 31 for American Academy of Chefs
Elected Positions
- Attention Central Region American Academy of Chefs Members!
- Reserve your Regional Program Guide Ads Now!
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 24 - November 13, 2006
- Cramb Named American Culinary Federation Interim Managing
- Certification Logos Developed in Conjunction with American Culinary
Federation's Branding Campaign
- Plan Now to Attend the 2007 American Culinary Federation Regional
- ACF Chef & Child Foundation Accepting Applications for Little
Oscar Award
- Nominations Open until December 31 for American Academy of Chefs
Elected Positions
- Attention Central Region American Academy of Chefs Members!
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 23 - October 30, 2006
- Plan Now to Attend the 2007 American Culinary Federation Regional
- ACF Regional and National Award Applications Due October 31.
- Deadline for ACF Culinary Youth Team USA Applications is November
- Application Deadline for the 2007-2008 Johnson & Wales
University Scholarship is November 1.
- Attention Central Regional American Academy of Chefs Members!
- Nominations Open until December 31 for American Academy of Chefs
Elected Positions
- Free Crisco Professional® Pan
Release Sample!
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 22 - October 16, 2006
- Plan Now to Attend the 2007 American Culinary Federation Regional
- ACF Regional and National Award Applications Deadline October 31,
- Deadline for ACF Culinary Youth Team USA Applications Fast
- Nominations Open until December 31 for American Academy of Chefs
Elected Positions
- Register Now to Attend the 2006 International Hotel/Motel &
Restaurant Show®
- Attention Culinary Students-Enter to Win $1,000 for a Duck
- Attention High School Seniors! Apply Now for a Culinary Scholarship
to Johnson & Wales University
- Jill Bosich, CEC, CCE, AAC, Appointed as ACF Culinary Team USA
Regional Coach
- Free Crisco Professional® Pan Release Sample!
- The only risotto you can heat and serve in less than 2 minutes-UNCLE
BEN'S® Classic Risotto
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 21 - October 1, 2006
- Plan Now to Attend the 2007 American Culinary Federation Regional
- ACF Introduces Professional Development Program
- Attention Competition Show Chairs and Chapter Presidents
- Apply Now for ACF Culinary Youth Team USA
- Want to Propel Your Culinary Career to New Heights?
- Nominations Open until December 31 for American Academy of Chefs
Elected Positions
- Free Crisco Professional® Pan Release Sample!
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 20 - September 18, 2006
- Applications Available For ACF Culinary Youth Team USA
- Increase Your Educational Network by Hosting an American Culinary
Federation Train-the-Trainer Program Today
- Congratulations to New American Culinary Federation Approved
Culinary Competition Judges
- Is Your Chapter Ready for Childhood Hunger Day?
- Want to Propel Your Culinary Career to New Heights?
- Nominations are Open for American Academy of Chefs Elected
- Good Food Begins with U.™ Fall Rewards Program
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 19 - September 7, 2006
- Plan Now to Attend the 2007 American Culinary Federation Conferences
& Convention!
- eCulinary Professional Development Institute is Helping Cooks and
Chefs Get Certified
- Nominations are Open for 2007 American Culinary Federation
- Nominations are Open for American Academy of Chefs Elected
- Order Your Copy of Club Cuisine: Cooking With A Master Chef Today at
- Is Your Chapter Ready for Childhood Hunger Day?
- It's ALL About New at the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Show
Taking Place September 8-10 at the Orange County Convention Center in
Orlando, Fla.
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 18 - August 21, 2006
- Letter from American Culinary Federation President John Kinsella,
CMC, CCE, AAC: What's Happening at ACF?
- American Culinary Federation Response to Negative Industry
- Certification Training Courses for Cooking and Baking/Pastry
Professionals Now Available on eCulinary
- Deadline to Submit Intent-to-Compete Form for Student Teams is
August 30
- Bert Cutino, CEC, AAC, and John Minniti, CCE, AAC, To Be
- Nominations Open for American Academy of Chefs Elected
- Submit Nominations for 2007 American Culinary Federation Awards
- Become a Practical-Test Training Site through ACF's
Train-the-Trainer Program
- Buy Your Copy of Culinary Fundamentals and Baking Fundamentals
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 17 - August 9, 2006
- Award Winners Announced at 2006 ACF National Convention
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 16 - August 8, 2006
- American Culinary Federation Chef & Child Foundation Announces
New Board Members
- Jump Start your Profession Today by Visiting the American Culinary
Federation's Online Career Center
- Phillips Foods Names Winners in Crab Cake Recipe Contest
- New Student Team Competitions Guidelines Available Online
- Free Crisco Professional® Pan
Release Sample!
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 15 - July 25, 2006
- ACF Thanks all who Attended the 56th Annual American Culinary
Federation National Convention
- Culinary Winners Honored at 56th Annual American Culinary Federation
National Convention
- Chef & Child Foundation Live & Silent Auctions are a
- The American Academy of Chefs Welcomes its 2006 Inductees at the ACF
National Convention
- ACF Thanks the Sponsors of the 56th ACF National Convention
- ACF Thanks Marriott International, Inc. for its Generosity Regarding
the 2006 ACF National Convention
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 14 - July 10, 2006
- Learning Opportunities for Culinary Educators at ACF's National
- Good Food and Good Fun at Inaugural Certified Master Chefs
- Chef & Child Foundation Auctions Feature More Than 40 Noteworthy
- Become a Practical Test Training Site through ACF's
Train-the-Trainer Program
- Submit Papers for Presentation for ACF's 2007 Conferences
- ACF Sincerely Thanks Our Sponsors!
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 13 - June 27, 2006
- Chef & Child Foundation Auction Donations Extended through June
- Learning Opportunities for Culinary Educators at ACF's National
- Online Registration Deadline for Certified Master Chefs Dinner is
June 30
- 2006 Board of Governors Meeting Credentialing
- Become a Practical Test Training Site through ACF's
Train-the-Trainer Program
- Submit Papers for Presentation for ACF's 2007 Conferences
- ACF Thanks the Sponsors of the 56th ACF National Convention
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 12 - June 13, 2006
- Reserve your Room Today and Receive a Discounted Rate
- Receive a Free Trade Show Coupon
- Ride Amtrak and Receive a 10% Discount
- Limited Spots Available for the American Academy of Chefs
- Enjoy the Finest in Cuisine from ACF Certified Master Chefs
- Attend the 2006 Chapter Leadership Training Seminar
- Be a Part of the Chef & Child Foundation Live and Silent
Auctions at the Icebreaker Opening Reception
- Deadline for Cold-Food Salon Extended
- Get your Culinary Book Signed by ACF's Top Chefs
- ACF Thanks the Sponsors of the 56th ACF national convention
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 11 - May 30, 2006
- ACF Culinary Team USA National and Regional Team Members
- Aidan Murphy Earns ACF Master Chef Certification
- Wharton Small Business Development Center to Host Series at ACF
National Convention
- Federation of Dining Room Professionals Receives ACFF Educational
Assurance Award
- Earn ACF Bucks by Enrolling New Members
- ACF Sincerely Thanks the Sponsors of the 56th ACF National
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 10 - May 15, 2006
- Cold-Food Category Expanded for ACF National Convention
- Mentoring and Culinary Forum for Students presented at ACF National
- Judging Competitions Seminar Offered at ACF National Convention
- ACF to hold Practical Exam for Certification during the ACF National
- Chef & Child Foundation to Hold Auctions at ACF National
- ACF Culinary Team USA Tryouts Quickly Approaching
- Crab-Cake Contest Open to AAC Chefs
- ACF Sincerely Thanks the Sponsors of the 56th ACF National
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 9 - May 1, 2006
- Deadline Nearing for Discounted Convention Registration Rate
- Earn Continuing-Education Hours at the 2006 National Restaurant
Association Restaurant, Hotel-Motel Show®
- Congratulations to the 2006 American Academy of Chefs and Culinary
Hall of Fame Inductees
- Informative Seminars, Refresher Courses and More Available at 2006
ACF National Convention
- Crab-Cake Contest Open to AAC Chefs
- ACF Thanks its National Convention and ACF Culinary Team USA
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 8 - April 17, 2006
- ACF National Convention Nearing…Register Today and Receive
Discounted Rates
- ACF Culinary Team USA Tryouts Fast Approaching
- Crab-Cake Contest Open to AAC Chefs
- Attend the National Restaurant Association Restaurant, Hotel-Motel
- ACFF Disaster Relief Fund Donations Continue, Hurricane Victims
Eligible for Funds
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 7 - April 4, 2006
- ACF Central Region Award Winners Announced
- Online Registration Now Available for National Convention
- Crab-Cake Contest Open to AAC Chefs
- Donations to ACFF Disaster Relief Fund Continue, Hurricane Victims
Eligible for Funds
- Make Plans to Attend the 2006 National Restaurant Association
Restaurant, Hotel-Motel Show®
- ACF Sincerely Thanks 2006 National Convention Sponsors
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 6 - March 20, 2006
- ACF Northeastern Region Award Winners Announced
- AAC Congratulates 2006 Culinary Hall of Fame Inductees & New
Committee Chair
- Make Plans to Attend the 2006 National Restaurant Association
Restaurant, Hotel-Motel Show
- Deadline for ACF Achievement of Excellence Awards Approaching
- Award Applications Available for CCF 2006 Michael Ty Endowment
- Cold-Food Category Expanded for 2006 National Convention
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 5 - March 6, 2006
- Southeastern Region Award Winners Announced at 2006 Regional
- Foodservice Programs Receive ACFF Certification/Accreditation
- Applications Available for CCF 2006 Michael Ty Endowment Fund
- Cold-Food Category Expanded for 2006 National Convention
- Deadline for Discounted Registration Rate Central Regional
Conference Approaching
- 'Judging Competitions' Seminar Now Offered at Regional
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 4 - February 21, 2006
- Register for Tours of Toronto and Niagara Falls at the 2006
Northeastern Regional Conference
- Applications Available for CCF 2006 Michael Ty Endowment Fund
- Refresher Courses Offered at Southeastern Regional Conference
- Cold-Food Category Expanded for 2006 National Convention
- Deadline for Discounted Registration Rates for Northeastern and
Central Regional Conferences Approaching
- Don't Miss the American Academy of Chefs Dinner at the 2006 ACF
Northeastern and Southeastern Regional Conferences
- 'Judging Competitions' Seminar Now Offered at Regional
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 3 - February 7, 2006
- Western Regional Award Recipients Announced
- Refresher Courses Offered at Southeast Regional Conference
- Cold-Food Category Expanded for 2006 National Convention
- Deadline for Discounted Registration Rates for Northeast and Central
Regional Conferences Approaching
- Don't Miss the American Academy of Chefs Dinner at the 2006 ACF
Northeast and Southeast Regional Conferences
- 'Judging Competitions' Seminar Now Offered at Regional
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 2 - January 23, 2006
- ACF Chef & Child Foundation Little Oscar Award Deadline
- Deadline for Hermann G. Rusch Chef's Achievement Award Ballots
- Deadline for Discounted Registration Rate for Southeast Regional
Conference is Jan. 31, 2006
- Educators Clinics Available at ACF Regional Conferences
- NCR Seeks Chefs Who Exercise
Today, Vol. IV, Issue 1 - January 9, 2006
- Space Limited for ACF Certification Practical Exam at Western
- 2006 Chef Award Nominees-Part Two
- Educators Clinics Available at ACF Regional Conferences
- Deadline for Hermann G. Rusch Chef's Achievement Award Ballots
- ACF is a New Monthly Contributor to Culinary Edge Magazine
- Deadline for Discounted Registration Rate for Southeast Regional
Conference is Jan. 31, 2006
- Four ACF Members Approved as Culinary Judges