The Culinary Insider - April 23, 2012 (Vol. X, Issue 9)
ACF Culinary Team USA Regional Fundraising Contest Update
The 2012 Internationale Kochkunst Ausstellung, commonly known as the “culinary Olympics,” in Erfurt, Germany, Oct. 5–10, is less than six months away, and the regional ACF Culinary Team USA fundraising competition is heating up, just like the team’s practice kitchens. With the May 31 deadline looming, regions, chapters and members are in overdrive to raise funds to support the teams in their quest for gold.
Chefs de Cuisine Association of St. Louis Inc. set the bar high with a $15,000 donation to culinary team USA at the ACF Central Regional Conference, bringing the chapter’s total to $30,000 with an average donation per members at $120.97 Below are each region’s total contribution and the leading chapters in each region for average donation per member and total donations, as of April 20. Keep the donations rolling in, as the team needs your help.
ACF Region Standings
Central Region: $41,813
Northeast Region: $13,520
Western Region: $12,234
Southeast Region: $6,644
Top Chapters in Average Donation per Member
Central: Chefs de Cuisine Association of St. Louis Inc., $120.97
Western: ACF Chefs Las Vegas, $42.56
Northeast: ACF Columbus Chapter, $5.19
Southeast: ACF Middle Tennessee Chapter, $4.32
Top Chapters in Total Donation
Central: Chefs de Cuisine Association of St. Louis Inc., $30,000
Northeast: ACF Columbus Chapter, $10,575
Western: ACF Chefs Las Vegas, $8,256
Southeast: ACF Greater Atlanta Chapter Inc., $2,600
Find out more about the competition, including the rules and prizes, as well as how you can donate.
The Largest Selection in Classic Chef Coats
Happy Chef has dozens of traditional apparel styles, including the #411 French Knot Chef Coat, the #403 Standard Chef Coat, and the #HC25 CookCool™ Mesh Chef Coat. Find a coat that matches your professional needs at a lower price—click to browse over 50 different chef coats.
Attendees Wowed at ACF Central Regional Conference
More than 550 chefs and foodservice professionals descended on Detroit April 14–16 for the 2012 ACF Central Regional Conference, hosted by ACF Michigan Chefs de Cuisine Association, at the MotorCity Casino Hotel. It was three incredible days, from the professional development sessions and trade show to the meals and evening events. Read more and view the photos.
Congratulations to all the honorees and competitors for a job well done. See a complete list of the award recipients.
- Central Region Chef of the Year, sponsored by Unilever Food Solutions: Brian Beland, CMC
- Pastry Chef of the Year: Julia Julian, CC, CWPC
- Chef Educator of the Year: Casey Shiller, CEPC
- Student Chef of the Year, sponsored by Custom Culinary, Inc.: Marissa Bertram
- Chef Professionalism Award, sponsored by Minor’s®: Donald Miller, CEC, CCE, AAC
- Hermann G. Rusch Chef’s Achievement Award: John Kaufmann, CEC, AAC, HOF
- ACF Student Team Regional Championship, sponsored by R.L. Schreiber, Inc.: Chefs de Cuisine Association of St. Louis Inc., St. Louis
- Baron H. Galand Culinary Knowledge Bowl, sponsored by American Technical Publishers: Kendall College, Chicago; ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.
Job Hunting in Today’s Economy
From executive chef and pastry chef to educator, ACF is here to help you in your job search. Visit our Career Center for available jobs in the culinary industry. Search by location or type, or post your résumé. Create job alerts and never let a matching job opportunity pass you by. New jobs that match your search criteria will be emailed directly to you. Sign up.
Save the Date!
Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education
8th-Annual Leadership Conference
June 21–23, 2012
Hosted by The Culinary Institute of America, San Antonio
New presenters, themes and ideas for foodservice instructors! Highlights include:
- Full day of Educational Best Practices
- Trends from industry leaders
- Included: all programming, reception, meals, InfoFair and ACF CEHs
- Luxury all-suite Riverfront hotel @ $129/night
Visit for registration, hotel information, instructor scholarships and awards. Subscribe for weekly programming updates.
Ingredient of the Month: Pistachios
Pistachios are typically used to complement salads and dessert dishes such as ice cream. The average pistachio serving size is 1 ounce and supplies 170 calories. While this sounds like a large amount, it is actually about 49 kernels, which provides a satiating snack. Pistachios are also a good source of fiber and protein. As with most nuts, pistachios contain a good amount of fat, roughly 13 grams per serving. However, the predominant fat in pistachios is monounsaturated, which supplies many healthful benefits to the human body. Read more and learn how to make Pistachio Yogurt Cake with Yuzu Glaze in April’s Ingredient of the Month provided through a partnership between ACFEF Chef & Child Foundation and Clemson University.
ACFEF First Annual Golf Tournament
Don’t miss your opportunity to play in the American Culinary Federation Education Foundation (ACFEF) First Annual Golf Tournament, July 13, at the 2012 ACF National Convention, to benefit ACFEF programs. Only 72 players will have the opportunity to play the 18-hole championship golf course designed by golf architect Robert Cupp Jr. at Hawk’s Landing Golf Club at the Orlando World Center Marriott Resort. More is making waves during spring!
NEW lower prices on training and NEW courses now available on Developing Children’s Menus and Food Allergen Safety. Sixteen full hours of new, quality training on fresh content at affordable prices for CEH’s. is more than just earning a credit. It’s about giving you the knowledge you need to be the best in the kitchen! Enroll in 16-hrs before July 10 and get double the tickets in our Pic-Til-U-Win Game for $500, $1,000 or $100,000.
National Restaurant Association Award Recipients
Congratulations to the following ACF members and organizations that were honored by the National Restaurant Association.
- Leah Chase, Dooky Chase Restaurant, New Orleans; ACF national member
- Jeff McClure, Sodexo Education Market; Sodexo ACF member
- Brad Nelson, Marriott International; Chefs de Cuisine Association of Palm Springs
- Brian Wilson, Senior Culinary Development Chef, Bob Evans Farms Inc.; ACF Columbus Chapter
Visit the National Restaurant Association’s website for complete lists of the award recipients.