The Culinary Insider - July 2, 2012 (Vol. X, Issue 14)

Culinary Experts Compete to Make Healthy Meals for School Cafeterias


Chefs teamed up with food technologists, manufacturers and school service staff to take on the challenge of creating a healthy and tasty lunch option to serve in school cafeterias for the Making Healthy School Meals Easy Challenge. The competition, developed by ACF and Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), was designed to address the growing need for healthier meals in schools across the U.S. Four teams converted recipes from the 2011 U.S. Department of Agriculture Recipes for Healthy Kids competition into products that could be manufactured for widespread use in school cafeterias. The final products were judged on nutritional content, flavor, cost and realistic application in a cafeteria setting. Michael Ty, CEC, AAC, ACF national president, was at the competition to announce the winners. More

ACF National Convention is Almost Here

Orlando World Center Marriott

Don’t miss your opportunity to learn from some of the culinary industry’s best chefs at the 2012 ACF National Convention, July 14–17, at the Orlando World Center Marriott in Orlando, Fla. The lineup includes Rick Moonen, Cat Cora, Robert Irvine, Paul Prudhomme, HAAC, HHOF, and many more. Check out the schedule, as it is going to be another unforgettable convention. Online registration is now closed, but you can register onsite. See you there!

New CookCool Performance Apparel

CookCool chef's coat

The CookCool Top Trim Chef Coat keeps professional chefs cool in the kitchen. Its performance fabric lowers temperatures with natural, evaporative cooling. Now you can get the style you’re looking for, plus performance you can rely on. Starting at $19.95.

Win a Trip for Two to the “culinary Olympics”

IKA Olympiade der Köche Experience ACF Culinary Team USA firsthand as it competes and showcases American products, cuisine and the talent of American chefs at the Internationale Kochkunst Austellung (IKA), also known as the “culinary Olympics,” in Erfurt, Germany, Oct. 5–10, 2012.

Raffle tickets can be purchased through Aug. 1 for a $50 donation to ACF Culinary Team USA. Donations can be made online, by calling (904) 484-0202, or by mailing a check to American Culinary Federation, 180 Center Place Way, St. Augustine, FL 32095. Raffle ticket numbers will be emailed to supporters.

The drawing will take place at the ACF national office Aug. 2. The winner will receive an expense-paid trip for two to the 2012 IKA, which includes airfare, hotel, show passes and breakfast daily. Special thanks to Chefs de Cuisine Association of St. Louis Inc. and ACF Columbus Chapter for making this possible.

Conserve Initiative in Canada

Hand holding a plant

The National Restaurant Association and Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association have partnered to launch a Canadian version of the Conserve Sustainability Education Program. The initiative will provide Canadian restaurant operators and foodservice establishments with tools and information to become more environmentally friendly in areas ranging from energy use to waste management. More

U.S. Team Wins Silver at Beijing International Cuisine Competition

Edward Leonard

Congratulations to the Le Cordon Bleu North America culinary team, coached by Edward G. Leonard, CMC, WGMC, AAC, for wining a silver medal in the team competition at the Beijing International Cuisine Competition. The United Arab Emirates won gold. The results were announced on June 21 at the awards gala in the Olympic Park in Beijing, with Martin Yan as host. More

2012 ACF National Convention Apparel

NEWCHEF Fashion 2012 ACF National Convention logo apparel is now available from NewChef Fashions, Inc. Order today to take advantage of BIG Savings before it’s too late!

Getting Your ACF Chapter in the News

Front pages of newspapers

In an effort to create more local coverage for chapter events, many chapters are now renewing their public relations efforts. Therefore, ACF has developed the following documents to assist chapters in their quest to publicize activities and member achievements through their local media. They can be downloaded behind the member log in on the ACF website. Login to the website, then go to the Members Only section followed by Resources. Under Resources you will find multiple documents under Public Relations from sample press releases to media pitching tips.

Are you a single chef looking for love?

Heart-shaped piece of food

A leading professional matchmaker has teamed up with a major TV production company to find perfect partners for the nation’s chefs in an exciting new TV show.

The matchmaker, who has successfully found love for over 50 professional chefs in the last three years, will create a profile of the featured chef's perfect partner. The profile will be used to compile a list of suitable candidates from which the chef selects to take on a series of fun, exciting and romantic dates. Cameras will follow the process, but since the aim of the show is to create lasting relationships, it is the chef who decides who they go on dates with, not the matchmaker or production team.

The show will be shot this summer. If you are interested, please email

US Foods Launches Contest to Find America’s “Next Top Product”

US Foods Next Top Product

Chefs across the country have a chance to create America’s hottest new food trend in the “Next Top Product” contest launched by US Foods. The contest is open to more than 250,000 chefs who are customers of US Foods. Each can submit their favorite recipe for a chance to win $20,000 in cash and prizes and have their recipe developed into a new US Foods Chef’s Line product for national distribution. Learn more and enter by the August 3 deadline.