The Culinary Insider - August 27, 2012 (Vol. X, Issue 18)

President’s Weight Challenge

Jason Hall

ACF National President Michael Ty, CEC, AAC, at General Session July 16 during the 2012 ACF National Convention, was challenged by the Food Network’s Robert Irvine to lose half his weight by the 2013 ACF National Convention in Las Vegas. Later, the challenge was revised to lose 100 pounds, and the bet was expanded to include Donald Gyurkovits, HAAC, Canadian Culinary Federation president. If they are successful, they will each earn $1,000.

They have been working at it, and as of August 20, Ty has lost 15 pounds and Gyurkovits, 10 pounds. Per a Facebook post from Gyurkovits, gone are the days of the 24-ounce prime rib dinner. You can now find both chefs making healthy eating choices and exercising. Stay tuned for more updates as we follow the chefs on their challenge.

ACF Chefs Approved as WACS Judges

World Association of Chefs Societies Congratulations to the following ACF chefs that were approved as World Association of Chefs Societies judges after successfully completing the requirements at a judges seminar held by ACF. Each is now qualified to judge continental and national competitions in hot and cold categories.

  • Kenneth Arnone, CMC, WGMC
  • Simon Atkinson
  • Brian Campbell, CEC, CCE
  • Ernst Gruch, CMC, AAC
  • James Hanyzeski, CMC, WGMC
  • Roland Henin, CMC, CCE, AAC
  • Walter Leible, CMC, AAC
  • Harry Linzmayer
  • Gerard Molloy, CEPC
  • Alan Neace Sr., CEC, AAC
  • George O’Palenick, CEC, CCE, AAC
  • Gregory Skibinski, CEC, AAC
  • Kevin Storm, CEC, CCA, AAC
  • Mark Sweeney
  • Randy Torres, CEC, AAC

Lingering Tannins

Grapes & wine glasses in a vineyard

Mostly associated with wine and tea, tannins are ubiquitous plant substances responsible for the astringent taste found in many foods and beverages. Tannins are naturally occurring polyphenols that belong to a larger group of chemicals called antioxidants. In recent years they have been discussed and disputed as possible cancer-reducing as well as headache-causing compounds. Learn more in August’s “Culinary Nutrition News,” Lingering Tannins, sponsored by French’s Foodservice and provided through a partnership between ACFEF Chef & Child Foundation and Clemson University.

A More Comfortable Executive Chef Coat

Happy Chef chef's coat

Look and feel your best with our Executive French Knot Chef Coat. Made with 100% cotton twill, this double-breasted coat is the perfect balance between prestige and comfort. Looking for something else? Request a Happy Chef catalog today for dozens of apparel options.

Special Casting for “Chopped”


The Food Network is cooking up a menu of special episodes. Apply for “Chopped” now if you or someone you know fits one or more of the categories below.

  • Unsung Hero Chefs, Cooking for a Cause
  • Formerly Overweight Chefs Who’ve Slimmed Down
  • Military Chefs
  • Teen Cooks
  • Culinarily-Creative Moms
  • Amateur Cooks
  • Families That Cook

International Chefs Congress: Origins and Frontiers

From Sept. 30 to Oct. 2, and a roster of high-caliber culinary talent will explore the impact of history in modern cooking at the 7th Annual International Chefs Congress: Origins and Frontiers. This year’s lineup includes John Besh and Susan Spicer exploring the guts and glory of Gulf cooking, Masaharu Morimoto discussing the legacy of Japanese cuisine, Mathias Dahlgren and Marcus Samuelsson showcasing Nordic naturalism, and Johnny Luzzini, Jordan Kahn, Michael Laiskonis, Sam Mason and Alex Stupak discussing the changing role of the pastry chef. In addition to the 3rd Annual Somm Slam and International Pastry Competition, this year marks the inauguration of EAT@ICC with food carts and pop-up restaurants helmed by some of the best local and national restaurants.

ACF members can attend at a special rate of $199, 40 percent off, with the code ICCACF. Register

Ingredient of the Month: Green Beans

Green Bean Casserole Sushi

Green beans provide abundant amounts of vitamins and minerals and are one of the most versatile vegetables used by chefs today. Though many chefs use the green bean to the near point of overuse, with a little creativity this multifunction vegetable can gain a renewed spark of interest in restaurants today. Read more and learn how to make Green Bean Casserole Sushi in August’s Ingredient of the Month provided through a partnership between ACFEF Chef & Child Foundation and Clemson University.