ACF MasterCraft Summit Series

ACF MasterCraft Summit Series

Cannabis Culinary Summit

Explore the world of cannabis-infused cuisine through workshops, seminars and discussions led by industry experts. Learn about responsible consumption, extraction, dosage control and innovative cooking techniques while discovering the potential of cannabis in culinary creations. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a culinary enthusiast, join us for an immersive experience that celebrates the intersection of food and cannabis.

Friday, May 2–Saturday, May 3, 2025
Niagara Falls Culinary Institute, Niagara Falls, New York

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What you can expect:

  • Four to five presentations per summit.
  • Presentations begin at 9 a.m., ending late afternoon (i.e., 4 p.m. or 5 p.m.).
  • Most summits will be hosted by educational partners.
  • Feel free to come in the night before if you’re traveling from a distance; affordable hotels in the area will be recommended.
  • Workbooks will be provided for each presentation.
  • 8 CEHs upon attendance of the summit.

Prior experience and requirements: it is recommended that attendees have a minimum of five years of professional experience or CSC/CWPC certification.


Hotel & Travel Info

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