Organize an Event
- ACF chefs and chapters promote awareness of proper nutrition to families and kids of all ages.
- Healthy cooking demonstration and tasting
- Nutritious cooking classes
- Outreach event with hands-on activity stations
- Nutrition information booth
- Walk for childhood nutrition
- Host a food drive
- Post your healthy, kid-friendly recipes on social media.
- Prepare a healthy dish on Facebook live or Zoom.
- Partner with a local school and offer to host a virtual demo.
- Local schools (many schools host fall festivals during this month)
- Community centers
- After-school programs
- Neighborhood and city festivals
- Local food banks
During the month of October, on, or around, October 16.
- Form a taskforce and assign duties:
- securing site and resources
- obtaining food
- developing timeline
- develop promotional material and press release
- setting up and breakdown event
- presenting demo/activities
- taking photos and updating social media
- Determine activity, location and date. Visit for activity programs and tools.
- Schedule meeting with contact at location to discuss and coordinate event.
- Develop budget and shopping list.
- Ask produce and product purveyors for donations.
- Invite chapter members to support event as volunteers.
- Market and promote event to community.
- Alert the media through a press release.
- Hand out flyers and postcards in community/local schools.
- Post upcoming event on social media outlets.
- Print handouts and put together a take-home packet for families.
- Post-event: send thank you letters to all supporters.
- Post-event: send high resolution photo and brief summary of success to ACF national office. Photos of children interacting with chefs are desired.