Healthy Eating Grants

American Culinary Federation Education Foundation (ACFEF), through the Chef & Child initiative, is offering ACF chefs and chapters grant funding to support nutrition outreach activities in their communities. Outreach activities must align with the Chef & Child mission to education children and families in understanding proper nutrition. Activity examples and outlines are available on

Grant opportunities are available for events (i.e. cooking demonstrations, tastings), as well as programs (i.e. after-school programs, cooking classes). Grant funds can be used to purchase food, supplies and incentives for the planned activity.

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View Grant Recipients

Key Dates

  • Grant Deadlines: March 31 and September 30

Grant Awards

Grants are awarded based on fund availability.

  • Events: up to $300 per event, up to two events per granting cycle
  • Programs: up to $2,500 per granting cycle

Application Process

  • All grant requests must be submitted through the online application form. Applications that are faxed, emailed or mailed will not be considered.
  • Grants will be awarded based on fund availability.
  • Applications will be reviewed and awarded by the selection taskforce.
  • All applicants will be notified of their status by the announcement date.
  • ACF reserves the right to revoke any grant funds at any time if the applicant fails to meet the grant requirements or falsifies information reports.

Eligibility Requirements

ACFEF will award a limited number of grants per granting cycle. To be considered, an applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • Applicant must be an active ACF member in good standing.
  • Applicant must be the event organizer or program coordinator.
  • Event/program must align with the ACFEF Chef & Child mission to educate children and families in understanding proper nutrition.
  • Applicant may not have received funds for more than two consecutive grant cycles.

Grant Requirements

If awarded, the applicant must meet the grant requirements. ACF reserves the right to revoke any grant funds at any time if the applicant fails to meet the grant requirements or falsifies information reports.

  • Events: applicant must provide photos and description within 15 business days following the event date.
  • Programs: applicant must provide a report at the end of the programs; for ongoing programs, interim progress reports must be provided every six months. ACF will provide the report template at the time of the grant award.