ACF Student Team Competition Winners
* denotes National Winner
2024 National Winner
- Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College (A-B Tech)
2024 Regional Winners & National Competitors
- Central Winner - Joliet Junior College
- Northeast Winner - SUNY Delhi
- Southeast Winner - Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College (A-B Tech)
- Western Winner - Orange Coast College
2023 National Winner
- Culinary Institute of New York at Monroe College
2023 Regional Winners & National Competitors
- Central Winner - Joliett Junior College (competing at Nationals)
- Central - Metropolitan Community College | Institute for the Culinary Arts (competing at Nationals)
- Northeast Winner - Culinary Institute of NY at Monroe College (competing at Nationals)
- Southeast Winner - Asheville Buncombe Technical Community College (competing at Nationals)
- Western Winner - Navajo Technical University
- Military Representative - US Military Team - Competing at Nationals
Culinary Institute of New York at Monroe College
* Oregon Coast Culinary Institute Southwestern/Oregon CC
Grayson College
Fort Drum Military Team
International Culinary Institute of Myrtle Beach
The Culinary Institute of New York at Monroe College
Metropolitan Community College’s Institute of the Culinary Arts
Asheville-Buncombe Tech CC
Competition was rolled over to 2021 due to COVID-19 pandemic. All regional competitors were rolled into the National Convention competition.
Western - * Oregon Coast Culinary Institute
Central - Joliet Junior College
Northeast - CINY at Monroe College
Southeast - Asheville Buncombe Tech Comm College
Central - * Fox Valley Technical College
Northeast - Culinary Institute of New York at Monroe College
Southeast - Alamance Community College
Western - Orange Coast Community College
Central - * Chefs de Cuisine Association of St. Louis Inc.
Northeast - State University of New York at Delhi
Southeast - Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
Western - Kapi’olani Community College
U.S. Military – Team Hawaii Advanced Culinary Arts Training NCOIC
Western - * Oregon Coast Culinary Institute, Coos Bay, Ore.
Central - Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, Kan.
Northeast - Monroe College, New Rochelle, N.Y.
Southeast - Alamance Community College, Graham, N.C.
Central - * Metropolitan Community College, Omaha, Neb.
Northeast - Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Boston, Cambridge, Mass.
Southeast - Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College, Asheville, N.C.
Western - Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, Calif.
Central Region - * Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, Kan.
Northeast Region - Johnson & Wales University, Providence, R.I.
Southeast Region - Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College, Asheville, N.C.
Western Region - Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Central Region - * Joliet Junior College, Joliet, Ill.
Northeast Region - Johnson & Wales University, Providence, R.I.
Southeast Region - Asheville-Buncombe Technical College, Asheville, N.C.
Western Region - Kapiʻolani Community College, Honolulu
U.S. Military - Fort Hood, Texas
Northeast Region - * ACF Chefs and Cooks of the Catskill Mountains/State
University of New York at Delhi
Central Region - Chefs de Cuisine Association of St. Louis Inc.
Southeast Region - ACF Golden Isles of Georgia Chapter/Apprentices at
Sea Island Resort
Western Region - ACF Orange Empire Chefs & Professional Cooks
Association/Orange Coast College
Central Region - * ACF Louis Joliet Chapter/Joliet Junior College
Northeast Region - Mid Hudson Culinary Association/The Culinary
Institute of America
Southeast Region - ACF Western North Carolina Culinary
Association/Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
Western Region - ACF Bay Area Chefs Association of Oregon/Oregon Coast
Culinary Institute
Northeast Region - * ACF Chefs and Cooks of the Catskill Mountains/State
University of New York at Delhi
Central Region - ACF Louis Joliet Chapter/Joliet Junior College
Southeast Region - ACF Chefs of the Low Country/Savannah Technical
Western Region - Santa Clara Valley Chapter/Professional Culinary
Western Region - * Chefs de Cuisine Association of Hawaii
Honolulu/Kapi’olani Community College
Central Region - ACF Michigan Chefs de Cuisine Association/Schoolcraft
Northeast Region - ACF Pittsburgh Chapter
Southeast Region - ACF Western North Carolina Culinary
Association/Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
Central - * ACF Professional Chefs Association of Houston
Northeast - State University of New York at Delhi
Southeast - ACF Greater Atlanta Chapter Inc.
Western - Orange Coast College
Southeast - * Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
Central - Culinary Studies Institute at Oakland Community College
Northeast - State University of NY at Delhi
Western - Orange Coast College
Western - * Professional Culinary Institute
Central - Schoolcraft College
Northeast - Columbus State Community College
Southeast - Asheville-Buncombe Technical COmmunity College
Western - * Orange Coast College
Central - Chefs de Cuisine Association of St. Louis Junior Culinary
Northeast - Hocking College
Southeast - Sullivan University
Northeast - * Johnson & Wales University, Providence, R.I
Central - Johnson County Community College
Southeast - Sullivan University
Western - Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa CA
Central - * Schoolcraft College
Northeast - State University of New York at Delhi
Southeast - Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
Western - Washington State Chefs Association
Central - * Johnson County Community College
Northeast - The Restaurant School of Walnut Hill College
Southeast - Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale
Western - Washington State Apprentice Team
Central - * Schoolcraft Community College
Western - South Seattle Community College Culinary Arts Program
Southeast - Sullivan University Culinary Competition Team
Northeast - SUNY - Delhi College / ACF New York Southern Tier Chefs
Central - * ACF Chefs de Cuisine Association of St. Louis
Northeast - Hocking College / ACF Columbus
Southeast - Faulkner State Community College / ACF Heart of the Gulf
Coast Chefs & Cooks Association
Western - Maui Community College / ACF Maui Chefs and Cooks
Central - * Johnson County Community College / Kansas Team
Southeast - School of Culinary Arts / Art Institute of Fort
Western - Apprentices at the Peak / The Broadmoore Hotel Team
Northeast - ACF Pittsburgh Chapter
Central - * ACF Greater Indianapolis Indiana Chapter
Southeast - ACF Tidewater Chefs Association / Johnson and Wales
University, Norfolk, Virginia
Western - Community College of Southeast Nevada / Fraternity of
Executive Chefs of Las Vegas
Northeast - Hocking College / ACF Columbus Chapter
Central - * ACF Greater Kansas City Chefs Association / Johnson County
Community College
Southeast - Western North Carolina Culinary Association /
Asheville-Buncome Technical Community College
Western - Orange Empire Chefs Association / Orange Coast College, Costa
Mesa, California
Northeast - ACF Rhode Island Chapter / Johnson and Wales University,
Providence, Rhode Island
Northeast - * ACF Columbus Chapter
Southeast - ACF Greater Miami Chapter / Epicurean Club
Western - ACF Chefs of the Pacific Coast / San Francisco Chapter
Central - ACF Southwest Michigan Chapter
Central - * Michigan Chefs de Cuisine
Southeast - ACF Chefs and Cooks Association of Puerto Rico
Western - Orange Empire Chefs Association
Northeast - Greater Northern New Hampshire Chapter
Southeast - * ACF Greater Charleston South Carolina
Central - The Texas Chefs Association / Dallas Chapter
Western - ACF Chapter Washington State Chefs Association
Northeast - ACF Columbus Chapter
Western - * Los Angeles Culinary Institute
Central - Grand Rapids, Michigan
Northeast - Columbus State Community College
Southeast - Team Bahamas / Bahamas Culinary Association
National - * Greater Cincinnati Junior Chapter
Southeast - Chefs Association of Greater Atlanta Chapter